Food Access LA Farmers’ Markets have consistently provided Los Angeles with a huge selection and variety of food and services. This is largely attributed to our dedicated and longstanding vendors, many of whom have been with us since the beginning days of the market.
Thank you for your interest in the Food Access LA Farmers’ Market Family!
To support the varying needs and availability of our eight diverse markets, we accept applications year-round and keep applications on file.
What to know:
This application does not guarantee you a space in the market.
Our Market Managers regularly check new applications but are unable to get in touch with every applicant due to the volume of applications we receive.
If your product, organization, or activity is a good fit for our markets, a Market Manager will be in touch.
If we do not have a current need or availability, you will remain in our system for future reference. There is no need to reapply.
Application Fee: With the exception of non-profit organizations (and other exceptions as approved by the Market Manager), there is a nonrefundable $25.00 administration fee. Only one fee is due even if applying to multiple markets. An invoice will be sent once your application has been received.
Please note: Atwater & Hollywood are both mostly at capacity for food vendors and artisans/craft vendors at this time.
You can still apply to be on our waitlist. Hollywood also has rotating space for food vendors with our Community on Cosmo Food Residency program. If you are a certified producer, please feel free to apply or send us a message.
FAQ: Applying To The Market
Compton College, Watts, Central Ave, Crenshaw, LA River, Echo Park:
Producer stall fees are 7.25% of Gross Sales
Food Vendor stall fees are 12% of Gross Sales
Hollywood & Atwater have a higher percentage fee than our other markets:
Producer stall fees are 7.75% of Gross Sales
Food Vendor stall fees are 13% of Gross Sales
Artisans are charged a flat fee that varies per market
Atwater, Crenshaw, Echo Park, LA River, Compton College, Watts, Central Ave: $22 + 5 % of sales
Hollywood: $50 + 5% or $100 + 5% depending on location and availability.
Operations Fee - daily fee in addition to percentage fee for all vendors (includes CDFA fee)
Producers: $10 daily
Food Vendors: $15 daily
Artisans: $7 daily
Note: Hollywood & Atwater are at capacity for food & artisan/craft vendors. We don’t typically accept vendors providing services (massages, tarot reading). We are not accepting any new CBD vendors (topical or otherwise).
We are unable to offer specific feedback due to various factors that are included in bringing in new vendors. Factors include but are not limited to:
Space availability (please note that ‘holes’ in the market are often due to absent and/or seasonal vendors)
Un- or under-represented products
Relevance to market community
Proximity to the market
Sourcing & production involvement
We highly recommend visiting the market you are applying for to see how many vendors of that category are in the market. Some markets may accept vendors that overlap in a category while others won’t, which is why it is so hard for our team to answer this question.
Typically, we receive an extremely high volume of applications for bakery items, sweets, drinks, juices, dips, spreads, soap, and skincare. Space in these categories tends to be more limited, but our vendor pool is always evolving.
To facilitate review of your application, please make sure to include at the minimum an Instagram page or website where we can see your products and booth display if possible. Applications without this information have a much lower chance of advancing.
Yes, there’s a one-time non-refundable application fee of $25.00 dollars. This fee applies regardless of how many markets you apply to. This fee helps to cover our administrative costs related to processing and reviewing new vendor applications and does not guarantee a vendor space in our markets.
Applications are monitored regularly by our Market Managers, however, they will only reach out if your product, organization, or activity is a good fit for our markets. Due to the high volume of applications we receive, we are not able to respond to individual questions about applications.
Please note that in order for your application to be marked as ‘received’, you must pay your application fee. This fee is strictly for administrative purposes and does not guarantee a vendor space in our markets.
You can expect a response if we are interested in learning more or onboarding you as a vendor. However, you can request an update on your application by email to if you haven’t heard from us within a month of your application, and we will make sure to give you a response. Please make sure to include your business name and markets applied to in that email.
Certified Farmers and Producers who sell certified produce (fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, apiary products, cut flowers, nursery products) and or other agricultural products (poultry and meat products; aquacultural products; viticultural products; dried fruits and vegetables; juices, jams or other processed agricultural products) produced on land or waters owned, leased or licensed by the producer in California.
Vendors who prepare food on-site or sell ready-to-eat and/or prepacked food items that have been prepared in a certified commercial kitchen. We do not accept edible CBD items.
Vendors who partly or entirely make or create nonfood items for resale. We cannot accept artisans with CBD products or artisans who sell fresh cut flowers.
Organizations with 501(c)(3) non-profit status wishing to spread the word about their work through information sharing or activities. Please email with your nonprofit status to get your application fee waived.
Filming, author, chef/home cook demo, performer, arts and crafts, or other activity.
Yes. Market Managers curate all booths in the market. If you are a nonprofit booth, email with your mission statement and tax-exempt status letter so we can waive your application fee. We have some requirements as far as insurance for all booths.
FAQ: After Being Accepted to the Market
Certified Producers Certificate/s (2nd Certificate if applicable)
Additional Certifications, Permits and Licenses including but not limited to:
Organic Certification
Avocado Exemption
Egg Handler License
Nursery Stock License
Milk Handler License
Health Permits and Licenses for meat and/or prepackaged and processed foods (including a Seller’s Permit)
Proof of Commercial Kitchen Space Use OR Public Health Operating Permit
Seller’s Permit from the Board of Equalization
Organizational Mission Statement
Letter of Determination from the IRS stating tax-exempt status
If accepted into the market, vendors are required to submit and maintain current status of the following documents:
City of Los Angeles Business License (Tax Registration Certificate) if applicable
Seller’s Permit from the Board of Equalization if applicable
Liability Insurance (with Food Access LA listed as additionally insured)
Temporary Food Facility Permit
Mobile Food Facility Permit (if applicable) Item description
There are many different entities that provide licenses and permits that are required to participate in a farmers’ market. We’ve included links below to some of the more common ones and encourage you to do your own research to find the best path forward for your business.
All Food Access LA Farmers’ Market Vendors are expected to bring all booth materials which are at a minimum: 10x10 tent, tables, display, and banner with the business’ name.
Producers (farmers) are expected to adhere to all regulations set forth by the California Department of Food and Agriculture Direct Marketing Regulations. Food Vendors are expected to adhere to all regulations set forth by the LA County Department of Public Health. Depending on what and how you sell, you may require additional permits and/or set up. All vendors are required to comply with Food Access LA's Market Rules & Regulations. For more detailed information regarding Public Health permits and regulations, please review the Health Code Requirements for Community Events for LA County.
FAQ: Miscellaneous
Yes. Please upload your current Cottage Food License to the Licenses tab of your profile.Item description
No, thank you. So that we can give you our full and undivided attention and ensure the integrity of your product, tastings will be scheduled at our office location. We kindly request that applicants abstain from bringing samples to any location unannounced.
At this time, we do not allow edible products containing CBD nor are we accepting new vendors who sell topical products containing CBD.
Our current policy allows only existing vendors and pop-up partners to sell topical products containing HEMP-BASED CBD. Marketing materials that attach medical claims to its use are strictly prohibited.